Saturday, April 10, 2010


now almost more than half way through...should be complete sometime before next weekend - or so i hope! unfortunately i don't get to show my loom all the loving that i'd like, and sometimes it feels neglected and dusty :(

ps. his name is khyber the 3rd :)

pss. check out some more samplings at:

Friday, April 9, 2010

Weaving for my friend...

So i've been on my loom a while now, just testing and trying, not much one can do with an 8" warp! But then... my friend, we'll call her Zazuma Lolita, came over and DEMANDED that i make her something, anything. Unfortunately she's leaving before I put on my REAL warp, which will be 30-some inches wide. So i got to work. I thought n thought...and thought some more. I was kind of stuck. I couldn't envision the "perfect" thing for her. Then, just like magic, it came to me...and now i'm working on making a border for her, 3 inches wide, and 60 inches long, to go as a panel on the front of her top. It's a sea green and pale blue combination, that reminds me of the fluidity of water, and reflects on her calm personality that often goes haywire! With a cotton weft and polyester warp, it makes for an interesting contrast. I cannot wait to see what she does with it. It's about 1/3rd complete at the moment, pictures soon! :D